Oh crap, it actually works

May 2024

Passthrough of a Z-Wave USB Stick to a Proxmox LXC Container

October 2021

Install and boot Fedora with ZFSBootMenu

September 2021

Determining the Fingerprint of your SSH Host Key

December 2020

A Benchmark in a Unit Test

May 2020

The Pitfalls of System.Random

August 2019

Connect to a PostgreSQL cluster with a custom CA Cert using .NET Core

April 2019

'Mars Rover' Simulation AI

March 2019

Headlessly setting up a Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless

December 2018

Lightweight Website
Minifying Wyam Output - Part 2
Minifying Wyam Output

May 2018

How to Perform CSRF - Part 2
How to Perform CSRF - Part 1

December 2017

How to Renew a Let's Encrypt Certificate